• at home with Marieke Bowl


SEOriginal Product Title. The meta description is a short text about around 156-160 characters. Include this small piece of text tells Google what the page is about.
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SEOriginal product name

Content English, actually your product description, is more than just a text with product information. When writing your product text it is important to think about your product titles, especially when considering SEO. The title of a product should not be longer than 70 characters.

SEOriginal meta description

You should also write a meta description. This can be done in the 'description English' in the backend of your shop. The meta description is a text no longer than 156-160 characters. This short text is used by search engines to get to know more about the content of the page. The text will also be shown on the search results page. Potential visitors read this text so make sure you write a text to activate users to visit your shop!

SEOriginal content

With many shops we see very little text on product pages. For good organic rankings for your product pages it is important to write a SEO friendly text. This text should be at least 150-200 words long. Same goes for product pages: focus on your main keyword. Good product information can also boost your conversion rate. A lack of information can cause visitors to shop elsewhere. With enough information you also reduce the chance of incorrect orders or misunderstandings about the product.

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